Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thank god for this accident....whaaaaaaaaaa?

So a family member has just been butchered in a horrific car accident and you say

'thank god he's still alive'

well that right there is just loopy....there is defintely a wiring probelm somewhere in your cranium monsieur - to be thanking a divinity for butchering a loved one..................!@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&* it's fudging cWazy....with a capital W.

Now if I am unlucky or unfortunate I tend to say fudge it and leave it at that...no divinties or supernaturals cursed...call me whacky but I like to think that life is, for the most part, a random splodge of accident and calm

yes that's right a splodge of clam! It can appen...

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